Last week someone asked me whether it was possible to do the equivalent of a SQL LIKE filter in Power Query. Unfortunately there isn’t a function to do this in the standard library but, as always, it is possible to write some M code to do this. Here’s what I came up while I was waiting around at the stables during my daughter’s horse-riding lesson. At the moment it only supports the % wildcard character; also I can’t guarantee that it’s the most efficient implementation or indeed 100% bug-free, but it seems to work fine as far as I can see…
Like = (Phrase as text, Pattern as text) =>
//Split pattern up into a list using % as a delimiter
PatternList = Text.Split(Pattern, "%"),
//if the first character in the pattern is %
//then the first item in the list is an empty string
StartsWithWc = (List.First(PatternList)=""),
//if the last character in the pattern is %
//then the last item in the list is an empty string
EndsWithWc = (List.Last(PatternList)=""),
//if the first character is not %
//then we have to match the first string in the pattern
//with the opening characters of the phrase
StartsTest = if (StartsWithWc=false)
then Text.StartsWith(Phrase, List.First(PatternList))
else true,
//if the last item is not %
//then we have to match the final string in the pattern
//with the final characters of the phrase
EndsText = if (EndsWithWc=false)
then Text.EndsWith(Phrase, List.Last(PatternList))
else true,
//now we also need to check that each string in the pattern appears
//in the correct order in the phrase
//and to do this we need to declare a function PhraseFind
PhraseFind = (Phrase as text, SearchString as list) =>
//does the first string in the pattern appear in the phrase?
StringPos = Text.PositionOf(Phrase, SearchString{0}, Occurrence.First),
PhraseFindOutput =
//if string not find then return false
then false
else if
//we have found the string in the pattern, and
//if this is the last string in the pattern, return true
then true
//if it isn't the last string in the pattern
//test the next string in the pattern by removing
//the first string from the pattern list
//and all text up to and including the string we have found in the phrase
(true and
Text.RemoveRange(Phrase, 0, StringPos + Text.Length(SearchString{0})),
List.RemoveRange(SearchString, 0, 1)))
//return true if we have passed all tests
Output = StartsTest and EndsText and PhraseFind(Phrase, PatternList)
Using the following test data:
I can run the following query:
Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Phrases"]}[Content],
ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Phrases", type text}}),
InsertedCustom = Table.AddColumn(ChangedType, "Test", each Like([Phrases],"%cat%sat%mat%"))
And get this output:
You can download the sample workbook here.
I know the Power Query team have been asked for this several times already, but it would be really useful if we could package up functions like this and make it easy to share them publicly with other Power Query users…