Power Query allows you to merge (“join” in database terms) two tables together in a variety of different ways, including left and right anti joins. Unfortunately, as I found recently, anti joins don’t fold on SQL Server-related data sources, which can result in performance problems. Luckily there is a different way of doing anti joins that does fold.
Say you have two Power Query queries called Fruit1 and Fruit2 that get data from SQL Server tables containing the names of different varieties of fruit:
Now, let’s say you want to get a list of all the fruit varieties that are in Fruit1 and not in Fruit2. The obvious thing to do is to do a Merge and use the Left Anti option like so:
Here’s the M code, including an extra step to remove the join column that this creates:
Source = Table.NestedJoin(Fruit1, {"Fruit"}, Fruit2, {"Fruit"}, "Fruit2", JoinKind.LeftAnti),
#"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(Source,{"Fruit"})
#"Removed Other Columns"
This gives you the correct result:
…but it doesn’t fold, so performance may be bad.
However, if you do a Merge and use the Left Outer option instead:
Then expand the join column (called Fruit2.Fruit here):
And then filter on that column so you only keep the rows where it contains the value null, and then remove that column, you get the same result:
Here’s the M:
Source = Table.NestedJoin(Fruit1, {"Fruit"}, Fruit2, {"Fruit"}, "Fruit2", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
#"Expanded Fruit2" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(Source, "Fruit2", {"Fruit"}, {"Fruit2.Fruit"}),
#"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Expanded Fruit2", each ([Fruit2.Fruit] = null)),
#"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(#"Filtered Rows",{"Fruit"})
#"Removed Other Columns"
This now does fold (meaning performance should be better) and gives you the following SQL:
select [_].[Fruit]
select [$Outer].[Fruit],
from [dbo].[Fruit1] as [$Outer]
left outer join
select [_].[Fruit] as [Fruit2]
from [dbo].[Fruit2] as [_]
) as [$Inner] on ([$Outer].[Fruit] = [$Inner].[Fruit2] or [$Outer].[Fruit] is null and [$Inner].[Fruit2] is null)
) as [_]
where [_].[Fruit2] is null