Last year I wrote a post about a change in the Power BI Service that meant the CPU Time associated with Power Query transformations was added to the total shown for a dataset refresh operation in Profiler traces and Log Analytics:
This was useful, but it didn’t tell you directly how much CPU Time was used by Power Query and it didn’t tell you which tables or partitions in a refresh were using the most CPU. It also didn’t tell you anything about Power Query memory usage. The good news that recently there has been another change that solves these problems.
Let’s say you have a Power BI dataset that consists of a single table whose source is the following Power Query query:
Source = #table(type table [MyNumber = number], List.Transform({1 .. 1000000}, each {_})),
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(
each Number.RandomBetween(0, 10000),
type number
#"Sorted Rows" = Table.Sort(#"Added Custom", {{"ARandomNumber", Order.Ascending}})
#"Sorted Rows"
This query creates a table with a million rows, adds a column with random numbers in and then sorts on that column – which is, as you’d expect, a very CPU and memory-hungry operation.
If you refresh this dataset in the Power BI Service and run a Profiler trace on it, looking at the Command Begin/End and Progress Report Begin/End events, this is what you’ll see:
The final Command End event shows the toal duration of the refresh as well as the amount of CPU used by both the Analysis Services engine and Power Query – in this case 24094ms.
If you look at the Progress Report End event associated with the finish of the refresh for the only partition of the only table in the dataset (highlighted in the screenshot above), there’s some extra information:
It shows the amount of CPU Time and the maximum amount of memory used by the Power Query engine while refreshing this partition. In this case the Power Query engine used 19468ms of CPU and reached a peak of 581848KB of memory. I can tell this is going to be really useful for troubleshooting refresh performance issues and out-of-memory errors.
[Thanks to Akshai Mirchandani, Xiaodong Zhang, Ting-Wei Chang and Jast Lu for this information]