In part 1 of this series I showed how the data privacy settings in Excel Power Query/Get & Transform and Power BI could impact the performance of your queries. In this post I’m going to show you how they can stop a query from running at all.
Let’s say you have the Excel workbook from part 1 of this series, but now instead of using the day name to filter data from a SQL Server table you want to pass that value to a web service. The web service I’m going to use for my examples is one that allows you to search for open data published by the UK government on It’s very simple: you give it a search term and it returns a JSON document with the search results in, no authentication or anything else required. For example:
In fact it doesn’t really matter what it does, just know that it is a web service that I can pass a text parameter to and get a result from.
Here’s a query that reads a single piece of text from the FilterDay table in my Excel workbook:
…and then passes that value to the web service:
let ExcelSource = Excel.Workbook( File.Contents("C:\FilterParameter.xlsx") , null, true), FilterDay_Table = ExcelSource{[Item="FilterDay",Kind="Table"]}[Data], ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes( FilterDay_Table, {{"Parameter", type text}} ), Day = ChangedType{0}[#"Parameter"], Output = Web.Contents( "", [Query=[q=Day]] ), ImportedJSON = Json.Document(Output,65001) in ImportedJSON
This query succeeds if any of the following conditions are true:
- The data privacy levels of both the Excel workbook and the web service are set to Public
- The data privacy levels of both the Excel workbook and the web service are set to Organizational
- The data privacy level of the Excel workbook is set to None and the data privacy level of the web service is set to Public
[See here to find out how to set privacy levels for a data source. Interestingly the data privacy level of the web service cannot be set to None for this query – the UI always prompts for it to be set before the query will run]
Here’s the output of a successful run:
Any other combinations of data privacy settings, for example if both the Excel workbook and the web service are set to Private, result in the following error message:
Formula.Firewall: Query ‘WebFunctionSucceeds’ (step ‘ImportedJSON’) is accessing data sources that have privacy levels which cannot be used together. Please rebuild this data combination.
While it’s ok to send data from one Public data source to another Public data source, or from one Organizational data source to another Organizational data source, you cannot send data from one Private data source to any other data source, or even send data from a Public data source to a Private data source.
In the example in my previous post when the engine found it wasn’t allowed to send data from one source to another because of the data privacy rules used it was still able to run the query, but had to do so in a less efficient way. In this example there is no way to run this query without sending data from the Excel workbook to the web service – you can’t call this web service without sending a search term to it. As a result, if incompatible data privacy levels are set then the query returns the error shown.
Notice that in the query above I’m reading data from Excel and sending it to the web service in a single M query. This is deliberate! In the next post in this series I’ll be looking at examples where the engine can’t work out what it’s supposed to do and errors, even if the privacy levels used suggest the query should run.